The course is designed for those who feel creative potential and are ready to work hard to improve their skills. The training program is based on mastering UI/UX technologies, several graphic editors, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma and Axure with which you can create websites, weblinks, attractively design the content pages, applying marketing techniques. You will be taught how to translate customer wishes into reality by applying branding, the principles of corporate identity organization, organizing convenient navigation on the site, developing an interface that takes into account resource load time, and much more.
Module 1
Web services. Project Concept. Kano’s model. Product roadmap. MVP/MMP: what it is and why.
- What a web service is, how it works. Examples.
- Design thinking methodology.
- Features of the MVP and MMP approaches.
- Forming a common concept, the ratio of important and unimportant functions in the project.
Practice. Formation of the concept of the project.
Practice. Prototyping mobile-first.
Target audience. Portraits of users and CJM.
- Features, segmentation. Personas
- Generation of portraits of users and development of the Customer Journey Map.
Practice. Identity building.
Practice. Working with CJM.
Module 2
Jobs-to-be-done. Working with user stories.
- What is it, in what cases is it used.
- How to properly work with user stories.
Practice. Working with the Jobs-to-be-done framework.
Practice. Working with user stories.
The HADI principle. Building hypotheses.
- HADI loops. What are they, when hypotheses need to be built and how to test them.
Practice. Prototyping.
Practice. Prototyping.
Module 3
Design System
Navigation and structure
- Horizontal, vertical and non-standard navigation. Types of menus.
- Optimizing the information structure of the site.
Practice. Prototyping.
Practice. Prototyping.
Design system. How to work with it. Atomic design.
- Repetitive elements.
- Working with components in Figma.
- Notifications. When to use.
- Popular design systems (Material design guidelines, Human interface guidelines), documentation
Practice. Formation of a design system.
Practice. Formation of a design system.
Module 4
Forms and Tables.
- Construction of complex forms taking into account the compiled CJM.
Practice. Using forms.
Practice. Work on the design of the web application.
Presentation of information.
- Presentation of information by means of tables, text blocks, sliders, timelines and other interface elements.
Practice. Working with tables.
Practice. Work on the design of the web application.